Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Accidental Concierge

Every weekend, on my way to somewhere, I like to stop, look, and listen to someone new or someplace I haven't been before.  This weekend, for example, I was on the road to The Perfect Game Sports Grill in Coral Springs when I was passing by JD's Lounge.  I stopped in to see who was playing, and before you know it, I discovered the Top Priority band.

I was also pleasantly surprised at what I saw and heard when I arrived at my final destination.  Excess became SLEJJ when they found a new lead singer and it's amazing what a new vocalist and new name can do for a band.  I know of another band I saw recently that sounded ten times better with their new lead but they maintained their old name and their old reputation!

I also discovered that, like the bands with new lead singers, places that once seemed dead and lifeless can also pick up and change 180 degrees for the better.  So, if you have been staying away from a place just because it didn't seem like a popular hotspot last time you visited, you might want to give it another try - you just might surprise yourself as I did this past weekend.

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